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New Member
posted Oct 30, 2019 8:33:08 AM

What is error code 513 and HOW DO I CORRECT THIS??? I've tried to netfile three times now and I've only got two more tries left before CRA locks me out.

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1 Best answer
New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:09 AM

Help for Canadians trying to enter this info:

Hello! Had the EXACT problem. Just spend 1.5 hours on the phone with an agent trying to sort out the issue. I was finally able to successfully upload my Netfile to the CRA on the 4th attempt!!

Okay, so there are two sections where you can enter your tuition information, first column is listed as Jan - Sept 4, 2017, enter the total amount of tuition and enter the amount of months (all of this comes from your T2202A form)- this will appear under your Provincial section. Then under the column titled Total 2017, write the same amount of tuition money, and then write the full amount of months you have attended. This will be your Federal amount. Remember, you cannot have the same number of months in both columns. If you attended a post-secondary institution for the months of January to December 2017, you will most likely have 8 months under the first column, then 12 under the second. I am the unusual student who did indeed attend school for 12 months straight, so I have my status as a full-time student as 8 months in the first column, then 12 under the second. You may have to play around with your time spent at school based on your status as a student (be it part time or full time) and which semesters you attended.

I truly hope this helps.



10 Replies
New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:09 AM

Help for Canadians trying to enter this info:

Hello! Had the EXACT problem. Just spend 1.5 hours on the phone with an agent trying to sort out the issue. I was finally able to successfully upload my Netfile to the CRA on the 4th attempt!!

Okay, so there are two sections where you can enter your tuition information, first column is listed as Jan - Sept 4, 2017, enter the total amount of tuition and enter the amount of months (all of this comes from your T2202A form)- this will appear under your Provincial section. Then under the column titled Total 2017, write the same amount of tuition money, and then write the full amount of months you have attended. This will be your Federal amount. Remember, you cannot have the same number of months in both columns. If you attended a post-secondary institution for the months of January to December 2017, you will most likely have 8 months under the first column, then 12 under the second. I am the unusual student who did indeed attend school for 12 months straight, so I have my status as a full-time student as 8 months in the first column, then 12 under the second. You may have to play around with your time spent at school based on your status as a student (be it part time or full time) and which semesters you attended.

I truly hope this helps.



New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:11 AM

Thanks @annegarrett111. This is terrific. I'm sure lots of other people will benefit from your experience so thanks for posting it here.

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:12 AM

Hello Tara,

If possible, can TurboTax please make it clearer where to enter Provincial and Federal information for tuition? To not have the two columns distinctly labelled, it is unnecessarily difficult to understand why a Netfile would be rejected by the CRA, due to a 513 error code. That just took far too long to sort out one small problem.

Thank you.


New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:14 AM

Anne! You should get a commission for this! I just followed your advice and SUCCESS! This was driving me insane. All TT needs to do is have a heading above each of the fillable columns (so put "Provincial" over the Jan - Sep 2017 boxes and "Federal" over the Total Tuition ones... Anyway THANK YOU so much for responding to my question, I had pretty much lost hope on this, I only had one more shot at e-filing! Have a great night and I hope you get a big return, you deserve it!


New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:15 AM

Wow - THANK YOU SO MUCH @annegarrett111!! You just saved me a lot of time and heartache.

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:16 AM

Agreed! We're working on revising the step in TurboTax to make the instructions clear.

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:18 AM

This was driving me nuts! Thanks so much for posting this!

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:21 AM

Are you reporting tuition amounts? Have a look and make sure that you're that you've entered both your federal and provincial amounts accurately.

Here's how you get back to the tuition amount section of your return: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/2647973

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 8:33:21 AM

Thanks but there is nowhere to differentiate between federal and provincial amounts! The first screen has some check-boxes to tick off - I checked "Tuition fees on a receipt, T2202A, or TL11", "I had textbooks and supplies", and "Unused tuition fees and education amounts from previous years"

The next screen is where you put in the school name (optional), the total tuition amount, and the number of part or full-time months.

The next screen shows the imported unused federal and provincial amounts from previous assessment. I can change these amounts but I don't think I'm supposed to because they are taken right from the previous assessment and I checked my file on the CRA and they are the correct amounts!

Then it takes you to the student summary screen where you can't change anything.

Am I missing something? This is driving me mad.

Thanks for responding though I really appreciate it,


New Member
Mar 15, 2020 5:05:53 PM

I ran into the same issue today and was told that it was due to a known issue that was being worked on.


That said, after going into my forms and validating that everything was okay, I tried submitting my taxes again and that time it worked.  Very odd!