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New Member
posted Mar 17, 2023 7:14:09 PM

When starting Deduction section Turbo Tax says I am disable? I have never been disabled nor am I now. Turbo tax never asked If I was disabled. Why is it doing this?

I'm just looking for a way to remove the "disability" from my deduction information.  in 2020 I did claim disability transferred from my parents but it was for the one year and they have passed for obviously I cannot claim it.  How do I correct this?

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1 Replies
Level 5
Mar 18, 2023 7:05:32 AM

Please try the below instructions:


  1. Select Find from the menu
  2. Enter disability in the Find window and select Disability Amount, then select Go.
  3. Select No to both the options on this Disability Amount page. 

or, You may have to remove your dependent parents, please refer to this TurboTax FAQ link for how to add/remove dependent:  How do I add (or remove) the amount for an eligible dependant from my tax return?


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