I have two official income tax receipts. One was paid to Kinetic Medical Inc for their EMR refresher course and the second one was paid to the Alberta College of Paramedics as their registration fee which is an annual payment. Where do you claim these?
If the course was required by your employer to benefit your work, have your employer provide you with a completed & signed T2200 form (which YOU keep) and then you can claim the course cost on Form T777 Employment Expenses. ACoP registration fee sounds more like a membership, if it's an annual payment. Not sure if this is deductible - what does it say on the receipt they gave you? Does it say for tax purposes? If not you can call them and ask.
Both receipts say for income tax purposes. My daughter is not currently employed as an EMR but in order to be eligible to get a job she must have a current EMR license and stay registered with Alberta College of Paramedics. As I said both receipts say for income tax purposes.
Just as @MamaK noted above, you would claim them under "Deductions: Employment Expenses" However, ensure that your employer has filled out the T2200 form.
"For income tax purposes" indicates that the organizations have issued them for that purpose -- it does not mean that CRA will accept them as eligible without appropriate documentation.
@Amnoteor Thx for the mention. kerryjill states her daughter is not yet employed as an EMR. What now?
Thank you both. I did find out from the Paramedic college that their receipt is for professional dues. Still trying to find out about the EMR refresher program but have a call into them. Kerry
Thanks Madamx, I got the answers I was looking for and completed the return. thanks again