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Level 3
posted May 1, 2024 6:20:58 PM

Work from Home What is the Definition of a Room for Total Rooms in Home

What is the definition of a room for the purposes of calculating total rooms in home?


Does it include kitchen, bathroom, hallways etc.?

Does it include rooms in the basement?

0 3 2083
1 Best answer
May 13, 2024 6:56:36 AM

Simple method: Rooms are areas in the house where you can work out of. So bedrooms, living rooms, dining room/kitchen, if you have rooms in the basement include them. So if you have a 4 bedroom house with 2 living rooms and 1 kitchen, you would put 7 rooms and use 1 for your work area. 


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3 Replies
May 2, 2024 8:02:37 AM

Please visit the CRA page to learn more about the difference between a designated room for work versus a common area. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 3
May 11, 2024 9:33:29 AM

I read that page but doesn't answer my question which is a bit more nuanced.  It deals with fields in turbo tax and what they represent.

May 13, 2024 6:56:36 AM

Simple method: Rooms are areas in the house where you can work out of. So bedrooms, living rooms, dining room/kitchen, if you have rooms in the basement include them. So if you have a 4 bedroom house with 2 living rooms and 1 kitchen, you would put 7 rooms and use 1 for your work area. 


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