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Returning Member
posted Apr 24, 2022 5:14:01 AM

Your taxable dividend does not equal your actual amount of eligible dividends multiply by 138% plus your actual amount of ordinary dividends multiply by 115% or you have a taxable dividend but no dividend tax credit.

I have this error and can't find information anywhere on how to fix it; all receipts were downloaded and all amounts are as per downloaded receipts.

0 11 4065
11 Replies
Returning Member
Apr 24, 2022 7:25:42 PM

I'm getting the exact same message and I don't understand why. I entered everything as per Releve 3. 

Returning Member
Apr 25, 2022 2:03:30 PM

Getting the same error message that prevents the Quebec NetFile system to upload my file. Both T5 and RL3 were downloaded directly from CRA and ClicSecure.

A fix from Intuit would be greatly appreciated. Tkx.

Level 2
Apr 28, 2022 5:46:45 PM

same problem - this is very frustrating and I can't find a fix listed anywhere


Returning Member
Apr 29, 2022 8:58:53 AM

Got the same errors but finally found a work-around.


If you imported data directly from CRA/RQ, there are probably errors from there.

Solution :

- Select Forms Mode;

- Go to all slips applicable in your file;

- For any numbers in red, you must override (F2) and put "zero" or the correct no;

- Validate if all numbers are blue;

- Check if new numbers affect your return, if not save it and problem solved.

Apr 30, 2022 5:44:55 PM

You should verify all Slips that apply to you by following those instructions:

Relevé 3:

Box A1 should be equal to boxes A11+A12. So if boxes A11 and A12 are at $0 and Box A1 is >0, you should make the correction

Box A2 should be equal to boxes A21+A22. So if boxes A21 and A22 are at $0 and A2 is >0, you should make the correction

Relevé 15:

Box 6A1 should be equal to boxes 6A1+6A2. So if boxes 6A1 and 6A2 are at $0 and 6A1 is >0, you should make the correction

Box 6B1 should be equal to boxes 6B1+6B2. So if boxes 6B1 and 6B2 are at $0 and 6B1 is >0, you should make the correction

Relevé 16:

Box C1 should be equal to boxes C11+C12. So if boxes C11 and C12 are at $0 and C1 is >0, you should make the correction

Box I for Taxable amount of dividends should be equal to box C1 x 1.38

Box C2 should be equal to boxes C21+C22. So if boxes C21 and C22 are at $0 and C2 is >0, you should make the correction

Box I for pour Taxable amount of ordinary dividends should be equal to box C2 x 1.16

NOTE: a common error is Box I being filled twice with the same number even if the description of both boxes are different. 

Relevé 25  :

A1 should be equal to boxes A11+A12. So if boxes A11 and A12 are at $0 and A1 is >0, you should make the correction

Box F for Taxable amount of dividends should be equal to box A1 x 1.38

A2 should be equal to boxes A21+A22. So if boxes A21 and A22 are at $0 and A2 is >0, you should make the correction

Box for Taxable amount of ordinary dividends should be equal to box A2 x 1.16

If the problem persists after performing the above checks, please contact a TurboTax specialist who will be better able to assist you in correcting this issue or escalate to a higher level for resolution if needed.


If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.



Level 1
Apr 30, 2022 6:27:27 PM

I'm not following you. What do you mean box A11 and A12? I checked the information exactly as it appears on the slips. This error is preventing me from filing my taxes and the deadline is Monday ! Please provide detailed instructions on how to correct this error.

TurboTax is telling me to "Fix" my T5 and R3 but the information in both forms is correct. There are no red "over-rides on the R3, all the numbers are blue.

Returning Member
May 2, 2022 1:13:14 PM

if the above does not fix the problem - look into your T3 (CRA)/RL-16 (QC) forms; I had the same issue and the problem was that there were several separate T3/RL-16 uploaded to the CRA site by my investment advisor, then what originally looked like a summary (adding all entries) was a SEPARATE and DUPLICATE T3/RL16 form but with some of the fields missing. After confirming that the last T3/RL16 entry was indeed an error, I deleted the duplicate T3/RL16 and everything worked. Just filed QC. Good luck.

New Member
Mar 4, 2023 2:47:05 PM

I had the same issue this year.


There is a new T3/R16 slip imported automatically from my CRA account and I have no idea why I have that (likely a mistake).

In the end, the error about my R3 is actually caused by this unknown T3/R16.

I deleted the data for T3/R16 and no more issue with my R3. (can submit my QC return without a problem)


Returning Member
Apr 8, 2023 11:36:29 AM

this is the 2nd year that I have this problem... last year, even deleting all the T3 didn't help, I had to do everything manually, so it was long and tedious, which defeats the purpose of using the software.  The issue seems to be the T3 again.  Suggestion to check A1 = A11 + A12 but I don't see any A11 and A12 anywhere.  I only have A1 boxes.

Intuit Alumni
Apr 13, 2023 5:00:34 AM

In order to help you with this situation, we believe your best option is to contact our telephone support team for further assistance, as they have the option to view your screen to help you. To contact them, please follow this link: Contact Us

​​​​​​​Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 1
Apr 14, 2024 7:15:22 PM

The issue occurs when you download the data from Revenue Quebec. There is a ghost entry somewhere on one of the RL slips. You need to carefully look through the RL slips that have entries and find the one or ones that have RED (override) entries. Hit FN F2 and cancel the override so the values are calculated. Search carefully because the issue could exist in an RL form you actually shouldn't have any entries in . That solved the problem for me, my wife and my daughter.