- Answer the initial Personal info and Tax profile interview questions, including your dependants info, if you haven't already. This unlocks the Tax home screen.
- From the Tax home screen, under Add to your return, enter child and select Child Care Expenses Intro.
- At the Child care expenses screen answer Yes to the question Did you pay for daycare for someone to look after your child...?
- At the Claiming Child Care screen, answer the question.
- At the Child Care Receipt Summary screen, select Enter New Receipt.
- At the Let's get your child care receipt details, enter the receipt information, select Enter New Child Care Receipt until all receipts are entered, then select Done With Receipt.
- At the Child Care Receipt Summary screen, select Done.
Note: If you're a resident of Québec, you'll need to enter your information on both the Child Care Receipt screen and the Relevé 24 screen.