For info only about entering your FHSA, go to the last step. Here are steps to take right from the start:
- Answer all the initial interview questions if you haven’t already. This unlocks the Tax Home screen.
- Note: from the Tax home screen, you can access each part of your tax return preparation from either:
- Add to your return,
- Up next - Recommended, or
- To do
- Access and complete these parts of your return:
- Go to your Tax profile and complete it, including this step:
- On the We'll check for credits and deductions screen, under Did you open, contribute to, or transfer money to a First Home Savings Account (FHSA)? choose the applicable boxes.
- Go to the Mandatory questions and answer Yes or No for each one.
- Enter your various types of income.
- Continue completing your return until you arrive at the Registered Savings Plans Profile screen.
- On the Your registered savings plan profile for 2024 screen, make sure the appropriate boxes for your FHSA are checked and then select Continue.
- Upon arriving at the T4FHSA Summary screen, select Enter New T4FHSA.
- On theT4FHSA - First Home Savings Account Statement screen, enter the amounts from your statement.
- If you don’t have another statement to report, select Done With T4FHSA.
- On the T4FHSA Summary screen, select Done With T4FHSA.
- On the FHSA Deduction screen, enter the amount you wish to deduct, then select Continue.
- On the Here’s your registered savings plan summary screen, you can see your FHSA contribution, deduction, and unused contribution rollover.