I filed my taxes last February and while I was checking everything today, I noticed that on one of the sections where I had to enter my rent from my previous residence, I noticed that it looks like I put over $11,400 for 12 months when it should say $4550 for 6 months. A bit of a minor dyslexic error I mistook $950 a month for $650 a month on that one. Whereas for my current residence it says $825 for 7 months. When it should say $964 for 7 months as I forgot the first rent on that one was $130 in August, but $139 a month since in January. I tried to refile it, but CRA wouldn't let me even with the code and I've tried almost enough times that they'll lock me out if they reject me again. I never made a mistake on my taxes before and I don't want this one to destroy me.