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Level 1
posted May 1, 2022 5:17:22 PM

Federal Worksheet line 41000 not copied to T1 General

I have political contributions to a federal party. The donations were entered as receipts and show up in the Federal Worksheet where the Federal political contribution tax credit is calculated and shown on the line labelled:

Enter this amount on line 41000 of your return.

The problem is that line 41000 of the T1 General form reads 0.

The only way to fix it is to use F2 to override the value. Unfortunately this makes the return not eligible for Netfile. I was disappointed to learn that this bug has been known by Intuit since 2020:


Please fix this ASAP!


0 1 1744
1 Replies
May 8, 2022 3:19:14 PM

Where are you entering the political donation?  If you are using TurboTax Desktop in Forms mode, you need to enter it on the Political page, not the Donations page of the Tax Slip entry pop-up.