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New Member
posted Jul 21, 2021 12:38:44 PM

I did not claim my daughter earlier this year but her mom who past away did. How can I get the child tax credit for her since I have her full time now ?

How can I get the child tax credit for my daughter if her mom claimed her on her taxes but is now deceased

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1 Best answer
Level 3
Nov 26, 2021 11:49:16 PM

Sorry for your loss.

According to CRA, i

f the deceased person was receiving CCB payments for a child and the surviving spouse or common-law partner is the child's parent, the CRA will usually transfer the CCB payments to that person.

If anyone else, other than the parent, is now primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child, that person will have to apply for benefit payments for the child through one of the following options:

Note - 

If the deceased was receiving payments under provincial or territorial child benefit and credit programs administered by the CRA, there is no need to apply separately to qualify. The CRA will use the information from the application to determine the new caregiver's eligibility for these programs.


If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.

1 Replies
Level 3
Nov 26, 2021 11:49:16 PM

Sorry for your loss.

According to CRA, i

f the deceased person was receiving CCB payments for a child and the surviving spouse or common-law partner is the child's parent, the CRA will usually transfer the CCB payments to that person.

If anyone else, other than the parent, is now primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child, that person will have to apply for benefit payments for the child through one of the following options:

Note - 

If the deceased was receiving payments under provincial or territorial child benefit and credit programs administered by the CRA, there is no need to apply separately to qualify. The CRA will use the information from the application to determine the new caregiver's eligibility for these programs.


If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.