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How do I enter child support payments made or received?

by TurboTax6 Updated 1 month ago

For general info on support payments see support payments.

Select your edition of TurboTax and follow these instructions.

First, from the Tax home screen, under Add to your return, enter spousal.

For payments received:

  1. Select Spousal and/or child support payments received.  
  2. On the Spousal and Child Support Payments Received screen, enter the total and taxable payment amounts, then select Continue.

For payments made:

  1. Select Spousal and/or child support payments made.
  2. On the Spousal and Child Support Payments Made screen, enter the required info and select either Add another Recipient or Continue, as applicable.
  1. Select the Find (magnifying glass) icon in TurboTax.
  2. In the Find pop-up, enter spousal, then select Spousal support received and select Go.
  3. On the Spousal and Child Support Payments Received screen, enter the required amounts and select Continue.
  1. Select the Find (magnifying glass) icon in TurboTax.
  2. In the Find popup, enter child, then select Child support paid and select Go.
  3. On the Alimony or child support payments made screen, select Yes.
  4. On the Spousal and Child Support Payments Made screen, enter the required info and amounts.
  5. Then select Add Another Recipient or Continue, as applicable.