For Schedule 3 while using TurboTax Online, you will not be able to see the actual forms while preparing the tax return. You can view the PDF copy of the T1 General and any schedules which you are using after you complete the payment process.
You can still make changes prior to NetFiling if you want, and after making any changes they will be reflected in the new PDF copy you create.
For the T2091 form, while doing the form through TurboTax Online, click the Find icon and search for “prin”. Select Principal Residences from the list and click Go. This will help you complete the T2091.
You will keep the forms but are not required to send. Only if CRA requires then you will need to send it in.
If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter
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so basically if I fill out the turbo tax online application, the CRA will have information that they would have if I were to filled out an actual Schedule 3 and T2091 form?