Get your taxes done using TurboTax

I am experiencing the same problem.

TT connects to Schwab; I enter the Schwab username/pw, goes through Schwab permission screens, and then it says 'Take me back to TT'  (for the import).   I do that, and it displays "Fetching Documents...." at first - but craps out soon after with the error "The import was unsuccessful. We recommend you check your internet connection...."

No, I cannot enter the transactions manually - I have over 3000 stock transactions!

Anyone who says it is a Schwab problem or a TT problem does not know what they are talking about.   Both parties need to troubleshoot this together and figure out what is going on.

(I wonder if the large number of  transactions I have is messing TT up.  I was able to import from another institutions which had only a few transactions.)