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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Royalties are supposed to be reported on Schedule E. 


This is how to enter that in TurboTax:

  1. Select Federal from the left side menu.
  2. Select Wages and Income toward the top left.
  3. Scroll down/ expand the list and look for Rentals and Royalties.
  4. Expand that section and find Rental Properties and Royalties (Sch E).
  5. Click Start on the right.
  6. Answer the first question Yes.
  7. Select Royalties on the right, click Continue.
  8. Enter the name and address from your 1099-MISC.
  9. Select Other intangible as your type and click Continue.
  10. Answer the next few questions.
  11. When you get the screen that says, Let's enter the income from your 1099-MISC, enter your gross royalty in box 2.
  12. If you have associated expenses, you can enter them in the screen that follow. 
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