Do I have to claim income in Box 028 on a T4A slip?

The company (HMV) that I was working for went bankrupt and I received a T4A slip that has Box 028 filled. I'm unable to file my tax return as I'm getting error messages that tell me I have to list a business number and address. I'm not sure what the income is for from HMV so how can I correct this so that I can file my taxes?

Getting started

Yes you do. But you are the recipient of a catch all form , with a catch all box 28, so it's hard to know what the box 28 amount is for. Possibly some payroll deductions being reimbursed.

In any event, it appears you wrere an employee of HMV, not self-employed.

In such circumstances my suggestion is to report the amount as "other income, not on a t-slip".

It will go on to line 130 of your return.