My partner had T4 income exclusively for 2020 but worked from home for most of the year. Where do we input expenses for her to claim WFH deductions?


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If you're a salaried or commissioned employee who had to work from home 50% or more of the time for at least four consecutive weeks due to COVID-19, or if you're self-employed, then you're eligible to claim home office expenses on your 2020 tax return.


Check to see if you qualify for claiming an employment expense deduction here.


What are employment expenses?

You may be eligible to claim certain expenses incurred as a result of your employment on your tax return(s). These are expenses that you would otherwise not have had to cover outside of their relation to your work. This can apply to self-employed individuals, as well as those forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A list of common employment expenses can include things such as:

  • Rent paid
  • Electricity and other utilities, or portions of condo fees
  • Maintenance
  • Home internet fees
  • Office supplies
  • Long-distance calls (if made on behalf of your employee or for business purposes)
  • Use of basic cell phone plan

Additionally, those who earn commission as a portion of their income may also claim:

  • Property taxes
  • Home insurance
  • Lease of electronic equipment (cell phone, computer, laptop, tablet, fax machine, etc) that relate to earning income


To claim employment expenses in the online edition of TurboTax


To claim employment expenses, choose the following scenario that best describes you, then complete the listed instructions:


If you're a salaried or commissioned employee:

  1. Select Find (or the magnifying glass icon) from the TurboTax menu. (The Find button becomes visible after you've completed the Introduction/Profile section.)
  2. In the Find window, type employment.
  3. Select Employment Expenses from the list of results, then select Go.
  4. On the Employment Expenses step, select Yes.
  5. On the Employment Expense Profile step, make the selection that best applies to your situation, then select: Continue.
  6. Follow the instructions that appear onscreen to enter your expenses.
  7. You have finished the expenses section when you reach the Your Employment Profile for 20xx step.

Note: To claim this deduction (line 22900 of your tax return), you must qualify under the new Covid rules, OR have a signed T2200 or T2200s from your employer showing the conditions of your employment. Don’t file the T2200 or T2200s with your return but do keep a copy for your records.


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