How long does Turbo Tax save an in-progress tax return? I started my 2021 return and had to stop and now it seems to be gone. Where can I find it?

I finished 80% of my return last year but had to stop for various personal reasons. I planned on completing now as I do my 2022 return, but the 2021 return is not showing up in My Returns. Does TurboTax delete after a certain amount of time?

Getting started

After you log in to your TurboTax account, which year do you see in the top left corner? If it says 2022 Taxes you will have to switch over to the 2021 software to see any 2021 tax return.

To do this, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Sign into 2021" next to "Looking for older versions of TurboTax?". After you do this, it will say 2021 Taxes in the top left corner and you should be able to see your in-progress 2021 return.


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