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Can i plit pension, can't find form T1032 in turbotax

can I split pension with my spouse

Seniors and students

If you are using the Online version of our software, the Forms View option is not available as it is in the CD/Download version. When preparing a coupled return together with your spouse or partner, access to your T1032 form isn't required. TurboTax will automatically take figures from this form to populate splitting income.


Please follow the Steps to Split pension in TurboTax Online


1. Select Find (or the magnifying glass icon)

2. Enter pension into the search bar, select Pension split with your spouse from the list of results, and then select Go

3. Select whose pension you'd like to split (make sure you've entered income information for both you and your spouse). If you’re a Québec resident, a similar screen will appear next to where you’ll be asked to enter the Québec amount to split with your spouse.

4. Fill out all required information (if filing separately, you'll need your T1032 form), then select Continue


 Steps to Split pension in TurboTax CD/Download

1. Select Find (or the magnifying glass icon)

2. Enter pension into the search bar, select Split your pension with your spouse from the list of results, and then select Go

3. Fill out all required information (if filing separately, you'll need your T1032 form), then select Continue

4. Fill out all applicable amounts, then select Continue


For detailed information, please review: How do I split my pension income with my spouse?


Thank You for choosing TurboTax.

Seniors and students

Unfortunately, the forms cannot be seen in the Online software. When preparing a coupled return together with your spouse or partner, access to your T1032 form isn't required. TurboTax will automatically take figures from this form to populate splitting income by asking questions in an interview.


If you are using TurboTax Online, please follow the steps below.  

1. Select Find (or the magnifying glass icon)

2. Enter pension into the search bar, select Pension split with your spouse from the list of results, and then select Go

3. Select whose pension you'd like to split (make sure you've entered income information for both you and your spouse). If you’re a Québec resident, a similar screen will appear next to where you’ll be asked to enter the Québec amount to split with your spouse.

4. Fill out all required information, then select Continue.


For more information, please review the link below from TurboTax Canada. 

How do I split my pension income with my spouse?


Thank you for choosing TurboTax. 

Seniors and students

If you are using our Online software, you will not see the form as the Forms View option is only available in our CD/Download software.

Note: When preparing a coupled return together with your spouse or partner, access to your T1032 form isn't required. TurboTax will automatically take figures from this form to populate splitting income.


To splitting pension in TurboTax online:

  • Select Find (or the magnifying glass icon)
  • Enter pension into the search bar, select Pension split with your spouse from the list of results, and then select Go

Select whose pension you'd like to split (make sure you've entered income information for both you and your spouse). If you’re a Québec resident, a similar screen will appear next where you’ll be asked to enter the Québec amount to split with spouse

  • Fill out all required information, then select Continue

For more information, please see our FAQ in TurboTax as How do I split my pension income with my spouse?

Thank you for using TurboTax

Seniors and students

I can't get Turbotax to work either. Can't add T1032. Studiotax works, but has a known error. They will let you use the software and refund your payment. The problem is that you have to fill in the forms manually. The suggestions below do not work.

Seniors and students

@dscullyman Please follow step by step instructions given in this TurboTax Article: How do I split pension income using TurboTax?


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

Seniors and students

The pension splitting started working when I opened the files and looked at the summary. I saved and closed to deal with the submission later. When I opened TTax, the 2024 file was not available. I gave up. After waiting a couple of hours, the file is available again. TTax does not have the error that StudioTax has in their software. You can submit a clean Efile. A little more than 3x the cost of StudioTax, but at least it works. Just be patient for the files in the cloud.