My tax return prints with a watermark. how do i print the mail to cra copy?



Thank you for your question.

To print a copy of your return to mail to the CRA, kindly follow these steps:

  1. Click File and then click Get Started (if you work your way through the return you'll end up in the File section at the very end).
  2. You'll be asked to review your return and then pay (if you purchased a prepayment code, enter it on the payment screen).
  3. If you prepared a tax return for your spouse or common-law partner as well as for yourself, choose who will file first.
  4. On the File screen, select Mail a Return beneath the Netfile options.
  5. Download your return. Please note, you'll need Adobe Reader or a suitable alternative to view and print PDF files.

View solution in original post


Hi there,

Once you are done with printing your copy (on the "Save a copy of your return for your records" screen), hit "Continue". This should take you to the "Print and Mail Your Return" screen. Hit on "Print Return to Mail" (attached is a screenshot for your reference).

This should print your return for mailing to CRA.

Hope it helps!!!