My uncle passed and his spouse received His T4RRif..It was issued to her, where does it go? is it deducted on another line?

the T4Rrif was transferred to my aunt when my uncle passed in 2017..a slip was issued to her..when doing her taxes she claimed it but was under the impression because it was a transfer that it was a deduction as well..she is being heavily taxed because she has received this and the program isnt claiming the deduction..if there is one..HELP

After you file

In prior years, did you uncle slip his T4RIF with your aunt?

After you file

As far as I know it was solely in his name..he only started to receive payments for about a year ,he was 72 when he passed..

After you file

Does she have an RRSP contribution slip or letter about the transfer?

After you file

Im going to see her tomorrow..i hope so!! I will ask her..thx

After you file

I have same issue for a friend but she was under the impression that because it was transferred to a RRIF in her name she would not have to pay taxes on it. Am I doing something wrong.

After you file

There should be an RRSP contribution receipt or letter stating the transfer. If so, enter the RRSP contribution as a regular RRSP and indicate it is an eligible transfer.