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Son with part-time job. He's listed as a "dependent". Is his income tax done seperately?

I go one return for my wife and I.  Son is high school aged.

After you file

Thank you for choosing TurboTax,

As with any Canadian citizen, your child isn’t generally required to file a tax return they have no tax owing. Usually, the amount earned by a minor child doesn’t hit the basic personal credit amount (around $12,298) meaning they won’t owe tax on their earnings. There are some exceptions.

However, he should file a tax return for so many reasons.

Please visit the article on Summer Jobs and Taxes Part 1 – School Aged Children (under 18) to learn more about these reasons. 

You will be able to claim your son as dependant as long as he is a minor (meaning he is not yet 18 years of age) or is still in school, college or university.


After you file

Claiming a person as a dependant does not mean they don't file their own income tax return. Everyone who earns income needs to file a personal tax return, even when someone else (for example, a parent or grandparent) claims them as a dependant. Even if the defendant has no income, they are still eligible for certain credits, such as GST/HST or other federal or provincial credits.


Anyone who meets the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) criteria for filing is required to file a tax return. This includes minors (children younger than 18).

If you have any dependents who meet any of the CRA criteria for filing, they'll need to file a separate return. 


Are minors (those under 18) required to file a tax return?


As per CRA: Minors may have taxes owing if they have earned more income than-

  • The federal basic personal amount ($12,069 for 2019). or
  • Your provincial Basic personal amount (which varies by province).


However, even if you are minor and didn’t earn enough income to owe taxes, it may still be beneficial to file a return. For instance, if you had income tax or CPP premiums deducted at the source, you may be eligible to receive those deductions back in the form of a refund.


For more information please click: Who has to file a tax return?