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New Member
posted Apr 30, 2022 2:06:23 AM

How do I open up forms?

How do I open forms in the on-line version?

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2 Replies
Level 3
Apr 30, 2022 9:53:35 AM

There's no Forms mode in the online edition of TurboTax. But you can open a detailed tax summary. 

  1. On the top left of the menu select 20XX TAX REFUND or 20XX BALANCE DUE (with XX being the current tax year) 
  2. Select View detailed tax summary
  3. The Detailed Tax Summary ledger appears, displaying your detailed tax summary and information

For more information follow the link to the TurboTax FAQ: How can I see a detailed summary of my return in TurboTax Online? 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
May 3, 2022 1:56:47 AM

Thank you for the info