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New Member
posted Mar 29, 2023 12:27:22 PM

I'm not self employed but Turbo Tax insists I upgrade to it from Premier. What can I do?

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8 Replies
Level 4
Mar 29, 2023 7:17:29 PM

TurboTax could be telling you that you are self-employed because of the income in certain boxes on slips.


If you've entered an amount from any of the boxes on the slips listed here, you have what the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) considers to be self-employment or business income:

  • T4 slip: box 81, 82 or 83
  • T4A slip: box 20 or 48
  • T4A slip: box 28 and you selected Yes to the question Does the income declared in Box 028 consist of fees collected for services you provided? in TurboTax Online (needs to say NO to indicate no self-employment)
  • T3 slip: box 24 (foreign business income)

When you file with TurboTax, you will be directed to the version that best suits your needs based on complexity, to ensure you are getting the best possible tax outcome for the best value as seen in this TurboTax FAQ: Why did I have to upgrade my TurboTax Online edition?


Thank you for choosing TurboTax. 

New Member
Apr 2, 2023 11:06:44 AM

Thanks but it didn't help.


I followed your suggestions but the place I seem to be stuck is that my T4A(P) slip imported from CRA shows a "Retirement benefit" in box 14 and again in box 20 as "Taxable CPP benefits".


How can I change the box 20 entry. I work part time so I have a T4 and receive CPP and OAS as a senior.


I appreciate the help. Otherwise I'm going to have to ditch Turbotax entirely this year.

Apr 8, 2023 1:18:54 PM

@sandy-slater Box 20 is your total of all CPP benefits. So if you have something in Box 14, it will be included in Box 20.

Level 1
Mar 31, 2024 6:19:13 PM

This has also happened to me. It is frustrating. I checked my T4 slip and Box 81, 82, and 83 have not been filled out and I've not received a T4A or a T3 slip. I would like to be reverted to Premier because that makes the most sense considering my tax needs. 



New Member
Apr 1, 2024 11:35:03 AM

@TurboTaxSusan This has also happened to me. It is frustrating. I checked my T4 slip and Box 81, 82, and 83 have not been filled out and I've not received a T4A or a T3 slip. I don't understand why turbo tax keep asking me where my business is located and provide self employed options when I just indicated all I have is salary? Its showing Net self-employment income of -462.00 no idea from where?? HELP! 

Apr 1, 2024 5:37:41 PM

@Xplanetaxes Do you have rental income? Rental income now requires TurboTax Self-Employed Online.


@user5710600 Did you have self-employment in the past? If so, it could be a loss that's being carried forward. If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.


New Member
Apr 27, 2024 10:49:37 AM

I get this error and I don't have any self employed income and I checked "no" in the summary.  It won't let me efile because it thinks there is an error.  Help!

Apr 27, 2024 10:59:56 AM

@Finny4810 If you've entered an amount from any of the boxes on the slips listed here, you have what the CRA considers to be self-employment or business income:

  • T4 slip: box 81, 82 or 83
  • T4A slip: box 20 or 48
  • T4A slip: box 28 and you answered Yes to the question Does the income declared in Box 028 consist of fees collected for services you provided? in TurboTax Online
  • T3 slip: box 24 (foreign business income)

If you have an amount in any of these boxes, TurboTax will ask additional questions to report the income as self-employment/business income. You only need to answer basic information, such as business name and address (can be your own), industry code, and fiscal period (Jan 01 to December 31). 


If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.