To change the amount listed as “Other Income”, you would first have to find out where it comes from.
Line 130 - Other Income contains taxable income not included in other categories. Common sources of Other Income include scholarships/bursaries, retiring allowances, lump-sum payments, death benefits, and payments from a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Box 66 or 67 from your T4 slip would also be considered as Other Income.
This CRA webpage has more information on Line 130 - Other income.
Please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter if you require further assistance.
To change the amount listed as “Other Income”, you would first have to find out where it comes from.
Line 130 - Other Income contains taxable income not included in other categories. Common sources of Other Income include scholarships/bursaries, retiring allowances, lump-sum payments, death benefits, and payments from a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Box 66 or 67 from your T4 slip would also be considered as Other Income.
This CRA webpage has more information on Line 130 - Other income.
Please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter if you require further assistance.