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Level 1
posted Mar 19, 2022 12:51:30 PM

Removing dependent child

My daughter is now working and no longer living with me. I was previously completing her tax return as part of our Turbotax account. If I remove her as a dependent for 2021 year and she starts her own account will her carry-forward amounts show when she prepares her return?

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1 Replies
Mar 24, 2022 11:57:06 AM

If your daughter starts using her own account, she won’t be able to access any returns in your account, even if the returns are for herself. So, she will not be able to transfer her information from last year.


You can still print or download a PDF copy of her returns to give her for reference. Please see this TurboTax FAQ for instructions: In the online edition of TurboTax, how do I print a copy of my tax return?