Unfortunately, the information from TurboTax Online cannot be transferred into TurboTax CD/Download. TurboTax Online has no way of saving to the .ttxx file format. TurboTax CD/Download can only import or open .ttxx files.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
Why not? It seems like a logical request. Please work on it.
Thank you for your feed back. Its much appreciated.
Since it's impossible to import 2021 data from TurboTax Online into the Turbotax CD 2022 version, I wish to enter them manually . Which fields in 2021 online tax return should I copy to the 2022 CD version so I don't miss any important data?
The online version cost more money to do the tax return. Can we then use the online version with the same priviledge of the CD version to copy the data?
That is not an answer to the question your customer asked.
@JJca It depends on what is on your tax return. The main areas to look at would be places like rental income or business/self-employment income. If you had medical expenses, donations or RRSP contributions that you didn't use last year, you will have to enter that information.
@Martin Ruel You can transfer your TurboTax CD/Download file from last year into a TurboTax Online return for this year. But if you want to use the features of TurboTax CD/Download, then you can continue to use it this year. This TurboTax page shows what we have available: https://turbotax.intuit.ca/tax/software/download
Wow, what a lack of service. Nowhere did I see a statement from Turbotax that your files cannot be transferred from online to the desktop/CD version.
It would have been nice if Turbotax notified you when filing your online return that the .tt?? files are not availble from Turbotax online for next year if using the CD version and allow you to save them to your PC or wherever you decide.
This is just extremily frustrating and poor customer service. I've been using Turbotax CD version since 2010, last year (2021) was the first time ever using the online version, and will be the last time I use the online version. Possibly the last time I use Turbotax at all.
Thank you for your feedback we will send your information to the appropriate department.
This is a huge gap in your functionality. We've been using your CD/Download version all these years, but in 2021, my wife accidentally bought the online version. So we filled out our taxes there. Now for 2022 we're back to the CD/Download version, and we're dismayed to find that we can't transfer our 2021 information. 😐
While searching, I found a page on Intuit that claims that you can use a PDF to upload information. I always save a PDF. But I couldn't find any way to get this to work.
I want to be able to load the information from my turbo tax online version from last year. And to be able to compare earnings between years. I used the online version for the first time last year, previously used the CD version, however I also do my disabled sister's taxes and the online version charges for each tax return which is why I don't use the online now. It seems that there must be a way to transfer the information from the previous online version. Please help!
@centauri27 TurboTax CD/Download cannot import PDF files. Intuit makes products for other countries and also for accounting professionals, and those products may have features that are not available in the Canadian versions of TurboTax.
@Shelleyo Unfortunately, there is no way to import or open a TurboTax Online file in TurboTax CD/Download.
i totally agree with you. i did the same thing by mistakenly buying turbo tax 2021 on line version. what poor service in that you have no access to the working files.
it is not scaleable to move between the CD version of other years. i am using turbotax 2022 CD version. never will use on line ever.
i want to access my turbo tax 2021 files (on line) from my turbo tax 2022 CD program.
that is too bad. i hope Turbo Tax is listening to customers. have on line version able to save to a .tt file
Is there a reason why there is now way to transfer the online return data to the 2022 download version? It looks like this has already been an issue since last year based on what I read from the posts of other turbotax users. I have the same issue right now as I was using online by mistake for 2020 and 2021. I have been using download version since 2007 until 2019. Now , for 2022 tax season, I bought the download and all of a sudden I can't transfer my 2021 online return files into download version. This is not good and turbotax staff should fix this flaw.
Exactly! What a design flaw to have the two versions not able to communicate with each other. 😑 Same with with going to online from download: can't carry over information either. This is exacerbated by the fact that the packing for online vs CD/download look soooo similar, and when stacked side-by-side at Costco, it's easy to grab the wrong one by mistake.
I also noticed that the online version caps you at 8 returns period. I thought that was a permanent change, so I had to move several returns done for relatives out to their free online version, to stay within 8. Now for 2022 I bought the CD/download version again and lo and behold....it's STILL AT 20 returns maximum! That means I didn't have to airlift several returns to online. I could have stayed within the 20 limit had I got the CD/download version. Now more headache for me next year as I move them all back.
This is a really mixed up policy of Intuit. Did they really intend to cheapen out by limiting the online version to 8 returns max?
Thank you for your feedback, we value your opinion and have shared this information with the proper TurboTax team.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
I hope this feature is added soon, I think this would add great value and give customers piece of mind knowing they are not locked into one application method. I am confused as to why this feature is not available .
I just want to do my taxes. I'm in the same boat as everyone here. Can i just get a refund of my 'PC download' version and I'll use the online version as I have been for the past years? Can you send me a code for the online version and you can cancel the PC version I have?
Does anyone know if Costco will refund?
I've already blown an hour trouble shooting this BS functionality to land here and find i've wasted my time.
Weak sauce turbo tax... weak sauce
Well, Costco will refund just about anything. Dunno if they'll draw the line on opened software. You may have to pursue this with Intuit.
I think it's just lazy design to not have the tax files interchangeable between their two versions!
Beyond the baffling incompatibility is this other issue: the CD/download version can let you prepare up to 20 returns (with 8 returns good for incomes over $25,000). While the online version caps it at 8 returns PERIOD (at least for last year when we mistakenly bought it).
I'll give costco a try saturday and report back. But my hopes arn't high. As you said, I think the best thing would be to have at least the product codes be interchangable (e.g., i can use one code to activate either the online or CD version). At least that way, people can continue to use what they were using before regardless of what they buy.
Thank you for your feedback, we value your opinion and have shared this information with the proper TurboTax team.
@SwitingOnlinetoDownloadvs To apply for a refund please see our TurboTax FAQ: How do I get a refund for a TurboTax product?
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.