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posted Mar 15, 2022 8:53:10 PM

When will all t-slips be available in the CRA web site for uploading into Turbotax returns?

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1 Replies
Level 3
Mar 16, 2022 12:09:12 PM

You can import certain slips and other info from the CRA directly into your TurboTax return using the Auto-fill my return service. To use Auto-fill, you need full access to CRA My Account.

Not all slips and info are available when Auto-fill my return opens for the tax season. The dates that the slips are due from your slip provider vary by slip type. Once the CRA receives the slips from your provider, it can take a few days for your info to appear in your CRA My Account.

This year, some Old Age Security (OAS) pension and One-Time-Payment for Seniors tax slips may be delayed up to the week of March 14, 2022.

Important: Non-capital losses, capital gains and losses, capital gains deductions, and the T1204 slip aren't available for import into TurboTax.

You can import the following through Auto-fill my return:

Slip/Info  Description Due to the CRA
T2202 Tuition Enrolment Certificate February 28
T3 Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations March 31
T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid February 28
T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income February 28
T4A(OAS) Statement of Old Age Security February 28
T4A(P) Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits February 28
T4E Statement of Employment Insurance and Other Benefits February 28
T4RIF Statement of Income from a Registered Retirement Income Fund February 28
T4RSP Statement of Registered Retirement Savings Plan Income February 28
T5 Statement of Investment Income February 28
T5007 Statement of Benefits February 28
T5008 Statement of Securities Transactions February 28
T5013 Statement of Partnership Income March 31
RC62 Universal Child Care Benefit Statement February 28
RC210 Working Income Tax Benefit advance payments statement February 28
RRSP/PRPP Contribution receipt March 31


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