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posted Apr 26, 2022 8:34:34 PM

How do i claim moving expenses for my son who moved for post secondary?

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1 Replies
Level 3
Apr 28, 2022 2:00:02 PM

Students can only deduct moving expenses from the taxable portion of their awards (scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, certain prizes, or research grants), or from their employment income earned at the new location.


How to claim on TurboTax online:


  1. From the menu, select Find
  2. Enter moving expenses in the Find window
  3. Select Moving Expenses from the list of results, then select Go
  4. The Your Moving Profile step appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to claim your moving expenses
  5. Remember to always click on Continue or Done at the bottom of each screen to save your entries.

How do I claim moving expenses in TurboTax CD/Download?


  1. From the menu, select Find
  2. Enter moving in the Find window
  3. Select Moving profile from the list of results, then select Go
  4. The Move during the year step appears. Answer Yes
  5. The Your Moving Profile step appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to claim your moving expenses
  6. Remember to always click on Continue or Done at the bottom of each screen to save your entries.

If your moving expenses total more than the income you earn at your new location, TurboTax will carry the leftover amount forward so that you can claim it in a future tax year. You can see this amount in the Review section of TurboTax.


For more information please see our TurboTax FAQ: How do I claim moving expenses in TurboTax? 


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