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How do I print a copy of my tax return in TurboTax?

by TurboTax29 Updated 2 months ago

When you print a copy of your return, we include everything that was sent to the government, plus extra documentation and calculation worksheets.

However, the printout won't include copies of the entry forms you got in the mail, such as T-slips or Relevés. If you need copies of those, contact whoever issued them originally.

You'll only be able to print your return after NETFILE open.

Select your product and follow the instructions.

To print a copy of your current tax return:

  1. In the menu, select FILE, then select Print Your Tax Return.
  2. Select the link to download a PDF copy of your return.
  3. Select the printer icon and select Print.

You'll only see this option after you've paid for TurboTax.

To print a copy of your current tax return:

  1. Select Find from the menu.
  2. Enter NETFILE.
  3. Select NETFILE or Print from the options that appear, then select Go.
  4. On the Save a copy of your return for your records step, select the box for Federal tax return, then select the option for Print for Your Records.
  5. On the Print For Records step, select Print.
  6. Follow the prompts to print your return.

Sign in to TurboTax for the relevant tax year using one of the following links:

After signing in, TurboTax lists all your tax returns. If you aren't on this screen, select My Returns from the menu, then select View all tax returns.

On the screen that lists all the returns, select Continue next to the one you want to print. TurboTax displays the screen where you last left off.

To print a copy of a prior tax return that you filed:

  1. Sign in to the account you used to file.
  2. Select Your tax returns & documents.
  3. Select the year of the return you wish to print.
  4. Select Download/print return (PDF).