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In TurboTax Live Assist & Review, how do I submit my return for review?

by TurboTax3 Updated 1 month ago

To submit your return for review, you'll have to schedule a callback or appointment.

Select your product and follow the steps.

  1. Open your TurboTax return.
  2. From the Tax home screen, select Review > Start/Continue/Revisit.
  3. Continue to the Some items need review screen, and under Get live help if you need it, select Connect now.
  4. At the We’ll call in about [x] minutes screen, fill out your contact details, then select Get a call and select OK.
  1. While completing your return, if you are in the middle of preparing a form or other step, either complete the step or select Back.
  2. From the menu, select either:
    • Introduction > Get expert help or 
    • Review > Assist and Review, then select Connect with expert for Assist & Review.
  3. On the Assist & Review, select Sign in to Connect with an Expert.
  4. At the How would you like to connect with us? pop-up, select one of these options:
    • Have us call you
      1. Enter your contact details and select Get a call.
      2. Select OK.
    • Schedule appointment:
      1. Enter your contact details and select Schedule appointment.
      2. At Your appointment's booked, make any needed modifications or select OK.