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Returning Member
posted May 2, 2023 10:41:59 AM

International Income

First-timer filing taxes. Online full-time student outside Canada in 2020-2021. Arrived in 2022 with partner. 

1.- Do I have to file just 2022 or also past tuition?

2.- I do have income in my country, but none in Canada. Do I have to report it as one figure?

3.- Partner's income (outside Canada) has also to be filed?

CRA pages are quite confusing.

Thank you!!! @TurboTaxSusan

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1 Replies
May 3, 2023 11:30:22 AM

If you have tuition for 2020 and 2021, then you need to prepare returns for those years to claim it. If you had no Canadian income for those years, then the tuition will carry forward since you can't use it.


You can report income you earned in 2022 from outside Canada on the foreign slip if you are considered a resident.


If you and your partner are common-law, then  yes, you will need to enter his income. If you don't know what it is, you can enter zero, and say no to the Spousal Amount.