Revenue Canada Guide for Preparing Returns for Deceased Persons states that an OAS payment (Line 11300) and a CPP Benefit (Line 11400) received after the date of death for the month in which the individual died may be reported on the final return or on a rights or things return. I would like to know if for a pension or superannuation payment (Line 11500) the same situation applies; that is can a pension payment (Line 11500) received after the date of death for the month in which the individual died be reported on the final return or on a rights or things return?
We are sorry to hear of your loss.
A pension payment received after the date of death for the month in which the individual died should be reported on the final return of the deceased person.
You may be interested to check these following FAQs:
Canada Revenue Agency: Return for rights or things
If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.
Why is a pension payment treated differently than an OAS and a CPP payments where these last 2 payment types are allowed to be put in a rights or things return but not a pension payment?
If you still have doubts, you can inquire directly with the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency). Their phone number is 1-800-959-8281.