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Filing taxes as student / CWB /Tuition


I'm a Canadian full-time student and my mother's (foreign) job pays for part of my tuition. I made a mistake when filing my taxes last year, and accidentally received the Canadian Worker's Benefit. I'm obviously not eligible for it, so I'm clearing things up. My issue however is that I'm confused about how to "let" the CRA know I'm a student. I know that this can be done with the tuition tax credit, but since my parent's job pays for some of my tuition I'm not eligible for that either.


I'm at a loss- how can I declare myself as a student ? My parents live abroad and don't pay Canadian taxes. I tried "change my return" on my CRA account but again the T2202A information it asked implied that I was paying my own tuition. Any help is appreciated, for some reason I can't find enough info online. Thanks so much.

1 Reply

Filing taxes as student / CWB /Tuition

Please refer to CRA link "Information for Students – Educational Institutions outside Canada" and for more information we suggest to contact CRA directly.

We do have TurboTax Live Tax Expert services available, To consult a tax expert and to get help prepare and/or file your return please check this link: TurboTax Assist & Review & TurboTax Full Service.


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