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How do I delete info ? I thought autofill would override and now everything is doubled ?

1 Reply

How do I delete info ? I thought autofill would override and now everything is doubled ?

There could be a couple of reason that it doubled:

  • you entered a provincial slip before the federal one, you always have to enter the federal information first and TurboTax will transfer the provincial information and you just have to complete the provincial information if needed.
  • you used AutoFill my return, changed something in your slip and used AutoFill again and it imported the slip a second time
  • you enter the information of your slip twice in TurboImpôt

I suggest you review your Income --> Tslip section and click Modify on the right side of each slip to review the information entered or Delete to delete a slip entered by mistake.


Each time you use Auto-Fill My Return, TurboTax will download everything available. TurboTax will summarize what's available to import into your return and you can choose to import it in or not, slip by slip. In other words, you can't pick and choose boxes, but you can pick and choose which slips to import.


That being said, TurboTax won't duplicate the slips you've already downloaded and imported if you import again, so long as you didn't significantly change the amounts of the slips you already imported. TurboTax will recognize that you already imported those slips.


Please do let me know if the information above helped you. If not, can you please explain further what doubled specifically?


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