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Returning Member

If my spouse died in March 2024, do I fill out Turbo Tax per normal for 2023? I started our return back in January, and I do not see anywhere now to report a death date.

I know for 2024 tax year I would need to add that but do I need to for 2023? And if so, where is that on the site/forms?
1 Reply

If my spouse died in March 2024, do I fill out Turbo Tax per normal for 2023? I started our return back in January, and I do not see anywhere now to report a death date.

We are sorry to hear about the passing of your spouse. 


Yes, you will do a normal return for 2023. Then you will need to file a final return for your spouse.  Once you start a new return you will be asked if you are filing for a deceased person- you will say yes. Just remember all the questions it will ask will pertain to your spouse when you are completing the final return.


Please contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 for more information. 

Filing a Final Tax Return


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