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See original turbotax online forms after filing



is it possible to go back to an old return (previous tax year) and see the forms/pages that were populated to create the tax return (T1)?   I have a copy of the return but was hoping to see the original information I entered when I completed my taxes.   Or is this not possible after the taxes have been submitted?




3 Replies

See original turbotax online forms after filing

The original information you had entered into your return would still be there. Did you have to ReFile?


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New Member

See original turbotax online forms after filing



no they reassessed because I apparently didn't include something back in March.   I can't tell from the T1 form, so wanted to go back into my turbotax file to see if I had added anything in the section.



See original turbotax online forms after filing

If you REFILED, you would then only see the completed return with the changes made as you refiled your return. Unless you had saved a PDF copy of your original tax return filed.