haffers has earned 9 badges!
7-Day StreakyesterdayEarned by 108,846Having fun yet? You've signed in every day for a week.
First CheerMondayEarned by 60,029Sure is nice to be loved. First cheer received for posting helpful content.
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Read 20 PostsyesterdayEarned by 460,830I bet you're learning a lot! You've read 20 posts.
Read 50 PostsyesterdayEarned by 183,822You're checking out ALL the convos! You've read 50 posts.
Read 100 PostsyesterdayEarned by 82,901Gathering insights is the name of the game! You've read 100 posts.
First PostSaturdayEarned by 1,120,239Your voice was heard. Your opinion matters. Congrats on your first post.