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How do I claim the Disability Tax Credit transferred from my dependant?

by TurboTax1 Updated 1 week ago

To transfer the Disability Tax Credit:

  • A DTC application for T2201 must first have been completed by:
    • The DTC transferee (Part A section 2).
    • The DTC eligible transferor (Part A section 4).
    • A medical practitioner (Part B).
  • The form must have been approved by the CRA.

To enter this information into TurboTax, select the edition you use.

Before claiming any DTC amounts, make sure you've already entered a dependant into your return profile. Once this is complete, you can transfer the Disability Tax Credit:

  1. Select Find, then enter disability amount transfer and select Go.
  2. Select Enter Credit Info next to the dependant whose disability amount you want to transfer.
  3. On the Claim Dependant Credits step, check Disability amount transfer, then select Continue.
  4. Complete the Disability Transfer step and select Continue.

TurboTax will automatically calculate the amount your dependant can transfer based on the income and other info you entered, deducting this amount from your balance owing if applicable. You’ll find the calculated amount on your Dependant Credit Summary.

Before claiming any DTC amounts, make sure you've already entered a dependant into your return profile. Once this is complete, you can transfer the Disability Tax Credit.

  1. Select Find, then enter claims for dependants.
  2. Select the result, then select Go.
  3. On the Claims for dependants step, answer Yes, then select Continue.
  4. Select the dependant whose disability amount you want to transfer, then select Enter Dependant Credits.
  5. On the Claim Dependant Credits step, check Disability amount transfer, then select Continue.
  6. Complete the Disability Transfer step and select Continue.

TurboTax will automatically calculate the amount your dependant can transfer based on the income and other info you entered, deducting this amount from your balance owing if applicable. You’ll find the calculated amount on your Dependant credit summary.

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