Who can file for free using TurboTax?
by TurboTax•17• Updated 2 months ago
TurboTax Free is for simple returns and covers many common tax situations, including:
- Employment income
- Pension income
- Other employment income, such as tips
- RRSP contributions
- Child care expenses
- COVID-19 benefits and repayments
- Unemployment (EI) and social assistance
- Worker’s compensation
- Disability amount
- Worker’s benefit
- Amount for eligible/infirm dependents
- Tuition, scholarships, bursaries, grants, and student loan interest
- Caregiver tax credit
- Disability transfer
- Home accessibility tax credit
- Tax on RESPs and RDSPs
- Tax installment payments
- Age amount
Income, credits, and deductions not listed above aren’t covered by TurboTax Free this year. Visit our online tax software page to see the available options for more complex returns.
TurboTax Free can be used on any PC or Mac with a current web browser, or via our mobile app on iOS and Android devices.