I accidentally deleted last years returns from my computer, so now I can not get into my cra account because I need the amount on line 121. Can I retrieve this somehow?


Getting started

If you used TurboTax Online last year you can login to https://ww1.2017.turbotaxonline.intuit.ca/ and redownload or print the PDF file for your tax return. Here is how you can print a copy of your tax return in TurboTax Online: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/2648070

If you used TurboTax CD/Download last year then unfortunately, there’s nothing we can to help you retrieve your files. You can check your recycling bin to see if the files are still in there. There is also 3rd party software and services that may be able to recover the files.

You can also call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 to see if there is another way they can verify you so you can get into your My Account.

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