I am unable to load Turbotax Standard 2015 using Windows7

When I try installing Turbotax it will not complete but a screen comes up saying installation failed try alternate set up, I checked this box no change. I've suspended all Firewalls with the same result, what now???

Getting started

Thank you for your question. 

Please ensure your anti-virus software and firewall are both disabled and you meet the system requirements for TurboTax desktop software: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/questions/1285288-what-are-the-minimum-system-requirements-for-...

Install TurboTax using this link: http://secure.intuit.ca/tax-software/download-skus/tt-basic-2015.jsp

If you are still experiencing difficulty with this installation, kindly contact TurboTax Support and an agent will be glad to assist you. To get a direct line to someone who can help, click the following link to the Contact Us page. Then complete the required information. A phone number will appear, along with your incident ID. Call the number. This will ensure that an appropriate agent is assigned to your query: 


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