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Whats the best product for a incorporated sole proprietor? Thank you


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If you’re talking about your personal taxes – it would depend on what you need. If you get paid by your company via a T4, you can use Standard. If you get paid in dividends, or have other investments, you may prefer to use Premier.


You can see what TurboTax Online products we have available for 2020 here: https://turbotax.intuit.ca/tax/software/personal/online

Or if you prefer, here are our TurboTax CD/Download products for 2020: https://turbotax.intuit.ca/tax/software/personal/download


If you are talking about preparing taxes for your incorporated business, then you can use TurboTax Business Inc., which you can find here: https://turbotax.intuit.ca/business-tax-software/business-incorporated.jsp