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Why do I have to upgrade this year to claim medical expenses? Previous years this was included with the basic package. How disappointing

Why do we have to pay more this year for the same services?

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You’ve been upgraded to TurboTax Deluxe Online to make sure that you get the greatest benefit from your medical expenses.


We understand why this change may be upsetting. But, in previous years, customers often chose a version of the software that didn’t meet their needs and ended up not getting all the credits & deductions that they could have. This year, TurboTax is taking extra steps to ensure that Canadians get the best tax outcome by directing users to the version of TurboTax Online that aligns with their tax situation.

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So what is the extra benefit when the medical expense claim is the exact same as last year? What extra tax outcome am I getting by filling out the same information but paying more for it? Is there an additional line on the tax form that wasn't covered before? Sounds like a fancy way of saying you increased costs during an economically difficult year for everyone...

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TurboTax Free Online doesn't have the Medical Expense Optimizer, while the paid versions (such as Deluxe) do.

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So basically,  WE have to pay MORE money to claim expenses we made last year? This company cannot put a medical expense optimizer for their consumers in the free package because you just want to suck people out of more money under the guise of being more "helpful"? How is it fair to the consumer that you've effectively put a paywall infront of individuals who had critical medical expenses that could use that money to live for an extra $20? Is this company THAT money hungry that they wish to grift their consumers?