Getting started

No it's an AB Tax return.  Three 2021 tax returns have been submitted.  Two had a Credit and the third one indicated a Balance owing however when the Assessment was completed it turned out to be a $1945.32 Credit.  As there was no option to indicate the option to transfer any refund to the instalment account, in ALL 3 cases,  a REFUND was issued.


There should be the option to select that option without having to meet any perceived threshold.  While the first two were sufficiently small enough to not matter, sending close to $2000 as a refund instead of transferring into the instalment account can have a significant impact  on future tax filings in regards to late filing penalties and interest charges if one was to miss the filing deadline.   The option should ALWAYS be available  during the "EASY Step" process and NOT at the "Netfile" stage.