Why does TT charge $21 for a simple tax return just because someone wants to claim medical expenses? It is horrific to charge disabled people more than the abled.

TurboTax Free is supposed to cover simple taxes. The things they charge you extra for are almost all either additional sources of income, or expenses that do not typically affect the poor, like donations or employment expenses. The ONLY exception to this is medical expenses, which disproportionately affect the poor and disabled. Why are people with a decreased ability to cover these costs responsible for them? How do they justify this? Why did this change? This is barbaric.

Getting started

Please see the list below enumerating what is or is not included in the free version.

Simple tax returns include:

Employment income

Pension income

Other employment income such as tips

RRSP contributions

Child care expenses

COVID-19 benefits and re-payments

Unemployment (EI) and social assistance

Worker’s compensation

Disability amount

Worker’s benefit

Amount for eligible/infirm dependents

Tuition, scholarships, bursaries, grants, student loan interest

Caregiver tax credit

Disability transfer

Home accessibility tax credit

Tax on RESPs and RDSPs

Tax installment payments

Age amount

Income, credits, and deductions not listed above are not covered by TurboTax Free, including:

Employment expenses (meals, lodging, etc.)


Medical expenses

Investment income and expenses

Rental property income and expenses

Self-employed income and expenses

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.