Getting started

Too late after you have paid your money  to Turbo Tax and the code does not work. Explanation after you use the Turbotax programs does note help when you only use the program once a year. I have used the Intuit Turbotax Deluxe online edition includes 8 returns, for the last 7 years . I have not had to upgrade as I did this year. I believe the upgrade requirement and lack of tech support is a way to make more money.  Because Turbotax stiffed me on the number of returns. I used the competitor's program to complete my sons 2023 tax  return and it was free.

You wait in the 2024 Tax year when CRA requires the reporting of joint accounts as a Trust or a (Bear Trust), I bet Turbotax users will all be upgraded to Premier editions half way through their returns.  We all know who to blame for that.