Estimated CCB payment on TurboTax 2024 does not match online calculator by a lot?

I just completed my taxes for 2024. I have 2 kids, one gets the disability tax credit. My income went up by about $10,000 this year, for calculation purposes.


On TurboTax, it estimates my annual eligibility for CCB to be $2419.29 ($201.61 per month). The CRA's online calculator estimates it to be $5823.72 ($485.31 per month).


This discrepancy is quite concerning. I am just wondering why TurboTax would be that far off and if anyone else has experienced this?

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After having the same problem and looking into all the forms I came to the conclusion that the basic benefit amount on the CCB form is generated incorrectly. Line 1 

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We are aware of the issue, and our development team is working to resolve it ASAP.


In the meantime you can use this calculator on the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website to see an estimate of your Canada child benefit (CCB): Child and family benefits calculator