Mike McKi
New Member

Getting started

I am still getting the message when I try to save a PDF of the return, print the return and when I exit and it goes to save the return.   It says "At the time of Manufacturing this product the government had not finalized all of its forms.   You will require a final version of your form(s) to submit your return(s).   You can obtain the final version as they become available by selecting Check for Updates from the Help menu, any time after the beginning of Jan, 2025."    The program had updated when I started it today.   Now I click on check for updates and it says "no update is available.  Turbotax is up to date.   So I try to save to PDF again and get the same message.   THIS PROGRAM DEFINITELY HAS A BUG.   I have tried reinstalling and rebooting, but still it DOES NOT WORK!!!