I have two files, Robert&Liz, Shelia&Robert , File 1 went to CRA ,File 2 family overwrote File1 Robert PDF. Why do you not save as prior years full names

I did family one first , two tax files, saved as PDF , Liz and Roberts

I then did family two second , two tax files (now four) but when I went to save PDF's , Sheila was file but her Robert 's PDF file overwrote family one's Robert

Years ago you saved as RobertH or such. If I had note spotted the override msg by windows I would have not known. Thankfully I had a backup

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As long as you've saved the TurboTax files (*.TT16, *.TT17 etc), you can at any time, open those files and print new copies of the PDFs.

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The above answer is a workaround. Your software should not have placed me in this situation
I request my concerns be elevated to management and a fix applied such as first name and first two chars of last name

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You have the ability to name the PDF files whatever you like when you save them. You also have the capacity to save them anywhere you'd like on your computer.

I've passed your suggestion on the development team.

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I agree one can rename yet one should not be placed in that situation as your company is selling user friendly software which has gotten better over the years. 🙂 I worked on Medical Telecommunications software for years and we learned over time to ensure the software was idiot proof . yes, when I went to save the detailed forms I ensured the name was more detailed  but in the case of the first save for CRA I accepted the name presented  as I did not know I had a prior different family  file under same name. Thank you for forwarding my suggestion.  / Rob