New Member

It is asking me for my ex-husband's SIN... and I don't know it... he als doesn't pay allimony or child support, why do I need it?

It won't let me go further... I need help please

Getting started

If you separated or divorced in 2017, the CRA will still require your spouse’s information to calculate your eligibility for certain credits.


If you separated or divorced before 2017, you say "No" to the question "Did you separate from your spouse/partner in 2017?".


To make changes, select “Marital Status” from the “Setting Up” tab. Choose the correct options and click the “Continue” button to save your information.


If you can’t see a “Setting Up” tab, use the grey “Back” button to go backwards through the pages until you get to the “What's your marital status?” page.


I’m separated or divorced. Why am I being asked for info about my former spouse/partner?


What do I do if I don’t know my spouse’s income?